Mr.Kasimis Theofanis with the GhostsOnTheWeb team, Mrs.Tsampalati Ioanna and Zavitsanos Dionyssis were in Nea Peramos and talked to parents and children about safe surfing on the internet.
What is Ghosts On The Web action:
The Institute of Social Dynamics is a social company (KOIN.S.EP).It deals with the study of social problems and intervenes with actions that aim to contribute to social security and positive development.
Our new action Ghosts on the web is aimed at students and parents/guardians to help them navigate the internet safely.
The internet plays an important role in our daily lives, providing entertainment and a variety of information sources. As a medium of communication, it is intertwined with speed of response and is undoubtedly the most popular medium after television. But the Internet also presents us with many dangers that operate behind the scenes. They are not visible and we discover them when, for example, we have lost access to our accounts or even our personal credit card details. Particularly worrying is the phenomenon of intimidation that our family members may also face.
Our Ghosts on the Web campaign aims to inform parents and students about the prevention and management of online risks, both on social media and in everyday web browsing. At the same time, the psychological dimension of the issue is presented, as well as ways of coping and tips for handling problems that arise in a family and are related to the internet
Content of action Ghosts on the Web
The action is structured in three presentations:
Internet addiction: psychological dimension-indications and treatment
Cyber bullying: ways to prevent and deal with it.
Social engineering as a way to cheat online: coping tips
The presentations will be followed by a debate.
Duration of presentations 45min . Total duration with discussion 1.5 -2 hours.
The presenters
Ioanna Tsampalatis - Vakalopoulou, psychologist - psychotherapist
Ioanna Tsampalatis-Vakalopoulou is a licensed psychologist. She received specialized training in cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy and drama therapy. As a professional, she offers services mainly in the context of psychosocial rehabilitation and has also worked as a trainer in psychology seminars, while participating as a lecturer in conferences and workshops on mental health.
Presentation : Internet addiction: psychological dimension, indications and treatment
The internet has entered our everyday life and is now an indispensable tool of knowledge, it facilitates us with the countless possibilities it offers and we find it hard to imagine what it would be like even one day without an internet connection. But when do the boundaries get lost and the Internet becomes an addiction? What is Internet addiction? What are the key signs of internet addiction and how is it treated?
Dionysis Zavitsanos, computer network engineer, computer network security engineer
Dionysis Zavitsanos is a computer network engineer and computer network security engineer. He is a freelancer and works as a sales consultant with IT and technical support services companies in the telecommunications sector. He has also specialised in computer systems management.
Presentation : Cyber Bullying - ways of prevention and treatment.
The internet offers many benefits, but unfortunately it enables some malicious users to take advantage of the anonymity it offers to intimidate other users. Nowadays, cyber-bullying is a very widespread problem. Research by Kaspersky Lab and B2B International revealed that almost one in four parents [22%] feel they cannot control what their child sees or does when they are online, although almost half [48%] are concerned that their children may be victims of Cyber-Bullying.σ
Theofanis Kasimis, Information Systems Security Researcher & CIO of Audax Cybersecurity
Theofanis Kasimis is an expert in cybersecurity and hacking, holds international certificates on security, is the owner and CEO of Audax Cybersecurity which offers innovative services on information systems and data security and also participates as a speaker in national and international conferences.
Introduction: Social engineering as a way of cheating on the internet - coping tips
Social engineering is the act of verbally manipulating people in order to extract personal information. Although it is similar to trickery or simple fraud, the term is mainly associated with deceiving individuals in order to obtain confidential information such as credit card numbers or passwords to our home or office computer.

Nea Peramos - Kasimis Theofanis - Audax Cybersecurity