Drepano of Argolida

The event on Internet Safety in Drepano, Argolida, was attended by a large number of people

With great success and a large number of people, the event on dealing with Internet risks organized by the Directorate of Secondary Education, the Parents and Guardians Association and the Directorate of Drepanos High School was completed with keynote speaker Mr.Kasimis Theophanis, CEO of Audax Cybersecurity and Digital Security Consultant. The speech presented by Mr.Kasimis Theophanis [...]

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Invitation to a workshop on "Dealing with risks on the Internet" in Drepano Argolida

The Directorate of Secondary Education, in collaboration with the Parents and Guardians Association and the Directorate of Gymnasium of Drepano, is organizing a lecture on the topic: "Addressing the Dangers of the Internet." The meeting will take place at the premises of the Gymnasium on Saturday, February 16th, at 18:30. The keynote speaker will be Mr. Theofanis Kasimis, CEO of Audax Cybersecurity. We look forward to seeing you all there.

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