[RESEARCH] Why are the profiles of Greek showbiz celebrities hacked?

In recent days, there has been intense activity by hackers targeting the profiles of Greek showbiz personalities on all social media platforms where they have accounts, aiming to invade them. Several celebrities from the showbiz industry have visited our company's offices and informed us that their profiles have fallen victim to hackers, and they...

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[Blue Whale Research] Spotify, jailbroken smartphones, suicide orders and Russian facebook

Audax Cybersecurity research on the test called "Blue Whale Challenge - Blue Whale Test. What is the "game" of suicide? The Blue Whale Challenge consists of 50 challenges that take place over a period of 50 days. It starts with simple steps asking participants to draw an animal, wake up late in the morning and [...]

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[VIDEO] CNN Greece and Audax Cybersecurity Investigation on Shadow Brokers

Shadow Brokers: who are the hackers threatening the planet? They are currently the most dangerous hackers on the planet. After the massive attack with the computer capture software, Wannacry, the hackers claim to have a new set of hacking tools and that they are aware of the existence of vulnerabilities in Windows 10.

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WannaDecrypt0r - Full analysis of the NSA's super-trick

Friday 12 May 2017. Perhaps the largest and most severe ransomware attack is a fact. The attack was carried out with the malware type "Crypto- Malware", which can affect all versions of operating systems and spread, mainly through emails. The malware encrypts digital files and data on computers, which are released after [...]

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Cyber Attack Map - Real visualization of cyber attacks

Visit the website,, and see in real time the thousands of hacking attacks that take place every second around the world!

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When is the processing of personal data permitted?

EU data protection rules, also known as the "EU General Data Protection Regulation", describe different situations in which businesses or institutions are allowed to collect or reuse information about citizens. In particular, the European Commission sets out five conditions.

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Why should I be informed and follow the provisions of the GDPR?

Based on the new regulation: Individuals (consumers, customers, suppliers, suppliers, staff) have increased rights compared to the past, the exercise of which will be a thorn in the side and will distract ill-prepared businesses from their daily routine. The way in which personal data is collected as well as the information provided to individuals is changing. Η [...]

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How do we spot a fake Facebook profile?

In the world of the Internet, where electronic media have dominated communication and direct contact is becoming more and more indirect, things tend to change radically and fraud is becoming the dominant phenomenon.
People of all ages have personal accounts on social networks (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIN, Instagram, Pinterest, etc.) and participate in public blogs and forums [...]

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How secure is the Cloud: can we trust it with our personal data?

Living in the so-called digital age, it is known that every person interacts with technological devices in their everyday life. From mobile phones to tablets or computers, everyone makes use of these devices and is now fully familiar with their functions. This familiarity has led to the confidence to store a variety of our personal data [...]

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Is the behaviour of Greek blogs that transmit valuable information "intentional" or foolish?

Diplomatic explosion between Greece and Turkey? The menu will include cyber warfare by groups of Turkish hackers attacking Greek state websites, diplomatic and strategic pressure and countless propaganda from the neighbouring country with the clear intention of destroying the morale of the Greek people. I think you all have understood Turkey's game of psychological [...]

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